Welcome to Gringo Fairtrade

Fairtrade, Ethical Clothing & Giftware Hub Since 1988

Spotlight Collections

Our Core Principles 🙏

  • People ❤️ : Putting people first, following fairtrade principles of equal pay and equal treatment. Teaching valuable skills. We never use sweatshops or child labour!

  • Planet 🌍 : Promoting small scale sustainable production. With an effort to cut plastic, carry the eco-conscious banner worldwide and push back against fast fashion.

  • Personality ✨ : Never dull, our vibrant clothing, giftware and accessories give you the chance to be unashamedly you. Live the life that brings you joy and never hide in the shadows!

Our Ethical Commitment 🌿

We personally visit all of our suppliers and co-operatives every year to ensure our fairtrade practices are always being followed. When you shop with us, you’re part of a movement for positive change

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